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How a Discretionary Trust Structure Can Transform Your Property Investments
Is A Discretionary Trust Structure For Your Property Investments? Should you use discretionary trusts to structure your property investment? Usually. But there are many beliefs people have about trusts, that are simply not true. Some believe everyone needs a...
The Ultimate Guide to Hybrid Trusts: Tax Strategies for Property Investors
Introduction to Hybrid trusts Hybrid trusts are an advanced tool for property investors. What's the big deal? Well, they combine features of discretionary and unit trusts. Some of you may know discretionary trusts as family trusts. This guide explains how hybrid...
Recent Updates On Negative Gearing
Negative gearing gets political again! It’s hard to believe this topic is still giving people nightmares. And yet, here we are. Accountants underestimated the complexity of this thing. As usual, we don’t empathise with “civilians”. So, negative gearing...
Dramatic Mistakes People Make Setting Up Family Trusts for Property
Setting up a family trust to buy property? Read this. People end up looking really bad when doing this one. In fact, many ask me, “Should I set up a family trust to purchase my next property?” This question is common and often the reason why...
Margin Scheme Explained: Unlock GST Savings on Property Sales
Don't want to lose your profit to the tax man? Enter the Margin Scheme! The GST Margin Scheme in Property Transactions: A Detailed Guide Too many people miss out here. It may be quite simple but it is very important financially. In fact, I would say the...
Commercial Property or Industrial Property, an accountant and tax perspective
So, what’s the difference (or what’s similar) between Industrial and other commercial properties? Tax wise which one should you choose? Should you look outside Melbourne? What do property tax accountants think about this? Industrial property tax has unique...
Commercial Property Tax Benefits You Don’t Want to Miss!
You have to know the tax rules when it comes to commercial property! Commercial Property Tax Benefits You Don’t Want To Miss! That’s become the latest craze. There’s a reason for it. Investing in commercial property can offer strong returns. But it also...
Rental investment summarised for residential
You have to know the tax rules when it comes to property! And not just rely on your accountant! Investing in rental homes can build wealth. But owners must know the tax rules. These rules cover rental income, deductions, and capital gains. This guide will...
Mistakes Landlords Make With Depreciation on Their Property Investments In Australia
Mistakes Landlords Make When Calculating Depreciation On Residential Properties Depreciation is an important tax benefit for landlords. However, many landlords make costly mistakes. Mostly listening to mates & claiming or not claiming things they should. But...
How Taxes Are Keeping You Poor By Design
What's actually happening today with property tax and others? As we all know, taxes are an essential part of every modern government, whether from property or not. They fund services like healthcare, education, and infrastructure, again as we know. But in...
150 Tax Deductions for Property Rentals In Australia : Maximise Your Investment
Probably the biggest list on the internet of tax deductions for your property investment! “Don’t miss out.” But then.. “Don’t overclaim.” “This one you can only claim over 5 years if XYZ and ABC overlap.” Oh. This one “only claimable when you sell” if you...
The 3 Largest Deductions Your Accountant Missed
Why did your accountant miss these really large tax deductions at tax time? When it comes to managing finances, especially in the realm of property investments and tax planning, many individuals overlook significant opportunities to optimize their tax returns....